Part 64
Ah fuck it, it's going to take me at least a day to prepare stuff for the final battle alone, I'll just give you guys another trainin' montage update. Just sort of imagine the Montage Song from South Park playing.Tangela also lives here but eh.

Golduck #055
Height: 5'07" Weight: 168.9 lbs
Habitat: Freshwater Types: Water
Stage1: Evolves from Psyduck
Golduck is the fastest swimmer among all Pokémon. The webbed flippers on its forelegs and hind legs and its streamlined body give it frightening speed. Golduck is definitely much faster than even the most athletic swimmer. It swims effortlessly, even in a rough, stormy sea. It sometimes rescues people from wrecked ships floundering in high seas. It appears by waterways at dusk. It may use telekinetic powers if its forehead glows mysteriously. Often seen swimming elegantly by lakeshores. It is often mistaken for the Japanese monster, Kappa.

Parasect #047
Height: 3'03" Weight: 65 lbs
Habitat: Forest Types: Grass/Bug
Stage1: Evolves from Paras
A host-parasite pair in which the parasite mushroom has taken over the host bug. It stays mostly in dark, damp places, the preference not of the bug, but of the big mushrooms on its back. When nothing's left to extract from the bug, the mushrooms on its back leave spores on the bug's egg. It scatters toxic spores from the mushroom cap. In China, the spores are used as herbal medicine. Parasect are known to infest large trees en masse and drain nutrients from the lower trunk and roots. When an infested tree dies, they move onto another tree all at once.

Misdreavus #200
Height: 2'04" Weight: 2.2 lbs
Habitat: Grasslands Types: Ghost
Misdreavus frightens people with a creepy, sobbing cry. It loves to bite and yank people's hair from behind without warning, just to see their shocked reactions. The Pokémon apparently uses its red spheres to absorb the fearful feelings of foes and turn them into nutrition. It frightens them by screaming loudly or appearing suddenly.
Wobbuffet #202
Height: 4'03" Weight: 62.8 lbs
Habitat: Caverns Types: Psychic
Usually docile, a Wobbuffet strikes back ferociously if its black tail is attacked. It makes its lair in caves where it waits for nightfall. Wobbuffet does nothing but endure attacks - it won't attack on its own. If attacked, it inflates its body to pump up its counterstrike. However, it won't endure an attack on its tail. When that happens, the Pokémon will try to take the foe with it using Destiny Bond. If two or more Wobbuffet meet, they will turn competitive and try to outdo each other's endurance. However, they may try to see which one can endure the longest without food. Trainers need to beware of this habit.

*personally I recommend the item fanfare music from Metroid*

Seriously, It's gonna take me a while to get the finale up and crap so yea, let this tide you over.
Here's the current stats:
Species: Wooper Gender: Male
Hit Points: 188 Speed: 63
Attack: 115 Defense: 105
Sp.Attack: 75 Sp.Defense: 75
A powerful quake, but has no effect on flying foes.
Accuracy: 100% Power: 100
PP: 10 Type: Ground
Slams the foe with a long tail, vine, etc.
Accuracy: 75% Power: 80
PP: 20 Type: Normal
Traps and hurts the foe in a whirlpool for 2 to 5 turns.
Accuracy: 70% Power: 15
PP: 15 Type: Water
Creates a black haze that eliminates all stat changes.
Accuracy: -- Power: 0
PP: 30 Type: Ice
Species: Graveler Gender: Male
Hit Points: 190 Speed: 97
Attack: 180 Defense: 199
Sp.Attack: 115 Sp.Defense: 115
A powerful quake, but has no effect on flying foes.
Accuracy: 100% Power: 100
PP: 10 Type: Ground
A ramming attack that may cause flinching.
Accuracy: 100% Power: 70
PP: 15 Type: Normal
An attack lasting 5 turns with rising intensity.
Accuracy: 90% Power: 30
PP: 20 Type: Rock
Inflicts severe damage but makes the user faint.
Accuracy: 100% Power: 250
PP: 5 Type: Normal
Species: Jynx Gender: Female
Hit Points: 217 Speed: 169
Attack: 110 Defense: 103
Sp.Attack: 214 Sp.Defense: 186
A powerful psychic attack that may lower SP. DEF.
Accuracy: 100% Power: 90
PP: 16 Type: Psychic
Hits the foe with an icy storm that may freeze it.
Accuracy: 70% Power: 120
PP: 5 Type: Ice
Licks with a long tongue to injure. May also paralyze.
Accuracy: 100% Power: 20
PP: 30 Type: Ghost
Sweet Kiss
Demands a kiss with a cute look. May cause confusion.
Accuracy: 75% Power: 0
PP: 10 Type: Normal
Species: Xatu Gender: Female
Hit Points: 203 Speed: 178
Attack: 141 Defense: 147
Sp.Attack: 175 Sp.Defense: 140
Flies up on the first turn, then strikes the next turn.
Accuracy: 95% Power: 70
PP: 15 Type: Flying
A powerful psychic attack that may lower SP. DEF.
Accuracy: 100% Power: 90
PP: 10 Type: Psychic
Night Shade
Inflicts damage identical to the user's level.
Accuracy: 100% Power: --
PP: 15 Type: Ghost
Looses a powerful blast of light that cuts accuracy.
Accuracy: 70% Power: 0
PP: 20 Type: Normal
Species: Kingler Gender: Female
Hit Points: 201 Speed: 157
Attack: 231 Defense: 211
Sp.Attack: 118 Sp.Defense: 118
Cuts the foe with sharp scythes, claws, etc.
Accuracy: 95% Power: 50
PP: 30 Type: Normal
Builds enormous power, then slams the foe.
Accuracy: 100% Power: 80
PP: 15 Type: Normal
Creates a huge wave, then crashes it down on the foe.
Accuracy: 100% Power: 95
PP: 15 Type: Water
A powerful pincer attack that may cause fainting.
Accuracy: 30% Power: --
PP: 7 Type: Normal
Species: Victreebel Gender: Male
Hit Points: 222 Speed: 151
Attack: 194 Defense: 150
Sp.Attack: 177 Sp.Defense: 121
Razor Leaf
Cuts the enemy with leaves. High critical-hit ratio.
Accuracy: 95% Power: 55
PP: 25 Type: Grass
Sprays a hide-melting acid. May lower DEFENSE.
Accuracy: 100% Power: 40
PP: 30 Type: Poison
Sleep Powder
Scatters a powder that may cause the foe to sleep.
Accuracy: 75% Power: 0
PP: 15 Type: Grass
Forces the body to grow and heightens SP. ATK.
Accuracy: -- Power: 0
PP: 40 Type: Normal